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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 27, Issue 6, pp. 1803-2182

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Computational Study of Fast Methods for the Eikonal Equation

Pierre A. Gremaud and Christopher M. Kuster

pp. 1803-1816

Composition Methods for Differential Equations with Processing

S. Blanes, F. Casas, and A. Murua

pp. 1817-1843

Isoperimetric Partitioning: A New Algorithm for Graph Partitioning

Leo Grady and Eric L. Schwartz

pp. 1844-1866

A Block Preconditioner for High-Order Mixed Finite Element Approximations to the Navier--Stokes Equations

David Kay and Emil Lungu

pp. 1867-1880

Efficient Minimization Methods of Mixed l2-l1 and l1-l1 Norms for Image Restoration

Haoying Fu, Michael K. Ng, Mila Nikolova, and Jesse L. Barlow

pp. 1881-1902

Fast Algorithms for Spherical Harmonic Expansions

Vladimir Rokhlin and Mark Tygert

pp. 1903-1928

Sensitivity Analysis of ODES/DAES Using the Taylor Series Method

Roberto Barrio

pp. 1929-1947

Systematic Derivation of Jump Conditions for the Immersed Interface Method in Three-Dimensional Flow Simulation

Sheng Xu and Z. Jane Wang

pp. 1948-1980

Deterministic Simulation of the Boltzmann--Poisson System in GaAs-Based Semiconductors

María J. Cáceres, José A. Carrillo, and Armando Majorana

pp. 1981-2009

General Linear Methods for Volterra Integro-differential Equations with Memory

Chengjian Zhang and Stefan Vandewalle

pp. 2010-2031

Contact Analysis of Cable Networks by Using Second-Order Cone Programming

Yoshihiro Kanno and Makoto Ohsaki

pp. 2032-2052

On the Regularizing Power of Multigrid-type Algorithms

Marco Donatelli and Stefano Serra-Capizzano

pp. 2053-2076

AMGe---Coarsening Strategies and Application to the Oseen Equations

Markus Wabro

pp. 2077-2097

A Stability Notion for Lattice Boltzmann Equations

M. K. Banda, W. A. Yong, and A. Klar

pp. 2098-2111

A Reordering for the PageRank Problem

Amy N. Langville and Carl D. Meyer

pp. 2112-2120

Numerical Stochastic Integration for Quasi-Symplectic Flows

R. Mannella

pp. 2121-2139

Recycling Subspace Information for Diffuse Optical Tomography

Misha E. Kilmer and Eric de Sturler

pp. 2140-2166

Bounding the Solutions of Parameter Dependent Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations

Adam B. Singer and Paul I. Barton

pp. 2167-2182